Frequently Asked
We recommend booking a recurring service to secure your preferred day and time. If you’re
not happy with the service, you can change or cancel your cleaner at any time.
Alternatively, you can simply book a one-off-clean.
It’s a simple hourly rate for cleaning or any other task.
For your peace of mind, payment is made after the clean via bank transfer.
No, because we’re sure you’ll love the service! You can cancel or reschedule your one-off-cleans 24 hours before without incurring any charge. However, for recurring cleans we would
require some notice
Yes, if you select a recurring clean, you will be assigned a dedicated cleaner who can come to
you on a recurring basis. If they’re away on holiday, you can choose to have a temporary cleaner via
your personal account manager.
Yes, if you choose a recurring clean. We will send your assigned
cleaner out to meet with you before your first clean. This way you can rest assured knowing
who will be caring for your home on a regular basis.
Areas We Cover
- Belvedere
- Bexley
- Sidcup
- Chislehurst
- Orpington
- Bromley
- Greenwich
- Dartford
- Stone
- Greenhithe
- Swanscombe
- Ebbsfleet
- Northfleet
- Gravesend and surrounding Areas!
- Meopham
- Vigo Village
- Rochester
- Maidstone
- Chatham
- Gillingham
- Sevenoaks